
Monster Club (Chapter 14)

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“Let them go!” Abraham spun to look behind Gregory’s gun. Behind him was a furious and dangerous looking Michelle. Her eyes flared with an intense anger and her fists were clenched. Behind her was Tamil, who looked slightly confused. He couldn’t see what was in front of him, but he knew what was going on. There was much to be worried about. Abraham dared not move, as the hunter, Gregory turned to face Michelle.
“So, the werewolf rears her head? So does the mummy.”
“I said let them go, bastard.” Michelle snarled. She made a dangerous move towards him, but Gregory made a threatening motion with the gun back towards Calypso.
“You’re in no position to make threats, werewolf.” He mocked. Michelle growled dangerously, but slowly lowered her fists to her side, fighting herself to keep from attacking.
“What do you want?” Michelle asked him dangerously.

“Purity.” Gregory snapped. “You and your kind have been polluting this earth like a plague, and the Dawn Bringers will not rest until all of you have been erased so this world can finally be free of your filth.” As he spoke, I suddenly noticed that his gun was slightly lowered…he wasn’t focused on me. I slowly began to move toward his gun arm.
“You touch her and I’ll-”
“You’ll what, werewolf?” Gregory barked. “You have no full moon to aid you and your pet vampire is locked inside to keep from burning to ashes. You have a beached mermaid and a mummy who can’t see. I on the other hand, have 3 members of the cursed club in front of me.” Abraham was getting so close. Abraham reached out my hand cautiously to grab at the pistol. “Tell me, werewolf…what have I to fear from the likes of you?”

Abraham leaped forward and grabbed the gun. With a jerk, Abraham yanked at the pistol, trying to rip it away from Gregory’s hands. He pulled back and suddenly remembered that Abraham was a threat to. They struggled as Abraham fought to get the gun out of Gregory’s hand. Michelle dashed across the lot to the two of them.
“HOLD ON, ABRAHAM!” She screamed. She ran forward and swung at Gregory. He ducked the hit and kicked her in the abdomen, then kneed Abraham in the stomach. Abraham let out a grunt and stumbled as he pulled the pistol away from Abraham.
“That was brave boy…but very foolish.”


Abraham didn’t scream or cry out as he felt a powerful and shocking feeling flash through his side. It felt as if a bolt of lightning had torn through his side and exploded in his stomach. It stung like fire…and then there was this cold and horribly sick sensation running through his very blood as he felt the object tear through his skin and flesh. He fell over and clutched his side in agony, too shocked and stunned to cry out. The world seemed to flash different colors as he could hear the sound of Michelle screaming furiously and Calypso shrieking. There was a small trickle of blood from his side and he could feel his torn shirt.
“I missed you deliberately boy, because you are not my enemy…but oppose me again, and I shall kill you.” Gregory sneered. He turned and pointed the gun at Michelle. “No, where was I?”
“EATING GRAVEL!” There was a sudden swoshing sound as Calypso’s hands grabbed the ground and she spun her body across the rock and dirt. Her swung across the ground and struck Gregory’s legs, knocking him off of his feet and sending him sprawling to the ground. With a grunt and a cough, Gregory hit the earth face first. Abraham could only watch from where he sat.
Michelle let out a roar of rage and leaped on Gregory, kicking the gun away from him and pounding him with her fists. Despite being a head smaller than Gregory, she showed impressive strength with each swing of her fists, crashing into Gregory’s skull.
“Abraham, Oh my God, are you okay!?” Calypso cried as she crawled over to Abraham, looking at him with concern. Was he okay? Abraham couldn’t really tell. He was breathing, but why? He had been shot, right?
“I…I think so.” Calypso layed herself next to his side and began to inspect the bleeding wound.
“It looks like he only grazed you…thank God.” She whispered. Abraham was only half paying attention to her though. He was lost in his own thoughts.

Here he was being looked after by Calypso…after being saved by her. Here he was, an untrained, and weak human being, laying with a wound in his side as Michelle viciously pounded the hunter into the ground. What did he have to offer this club? Asher was so powerful and Michelle was incredible too! Even Calypso, who was beached and unable to stand, could put up more of a fight than him. What good was he? Tears weld up in his eyes at the thought of his own mortality and his own pathetic status in comparison to what was plain perfection.
“Oh, am I hurting you?” Calypso asked in surprise, noticing his tears. She was bandaging his side as she spoke. “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to stop the bleeding.”
“No, it’s alright.” Abraham muttered. There was the sound of a yelp as Michelle climbed to her feet and kicked the unconscious hunter in the mouth.

“I should kill you…but I’d much rather let you explain yourself to the authorities.” She stood up and kicked the gun back over to his hand. She walked over and threw her coat over Calypso’s tail. “Dry yourself off.” She then sat down by Abraham as Calypso got to work. “Tamil, come here, quick! Are you alright, kid?”
“I’m fine, Michelle.” Abraham protested. After a careful analysis, Abraham could tell that he was okay. His wound was just a small graze…but the real injury had been to his pride. Michelle nodded and stood up as Tamil came closer.
“Tamil and I are going to get back to the house and inform Solomon about what’s happened here. He needs to know. Calypso, you stay with Abraham and make sure he gets back safe.” Abraham shook his head.
“No, I can-” Abraham tried to speak up, but Michelle shot him a look that clearly told him she wasn’t interested in his protests.
“Sorry, Abraham…but this is my call.” She turned to Tamil and put her hand on his shoulder. “Let’s move.” Michelle took off down the street with Tamil holding onto her shoulder. He ran after her, and managed to stay close to her side. Calypso continued to dry off her tail and Abraham could see it slowly converting back to a pair of legs.

“Abraham, I’m so sorry that you got mixed up in all this.” Calypso whimpered. Abraham stared at her and closed his eyes in defeat.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything to stop him.” Abraham admitted. Calypso looked back at him.
“What are you talking about? You were trying to save us!”
“But I didn’t. But you…you were amazing!” Calypso blushed at this and shook her head.
“Oh…well, I thought he’d hurt you bad…or worse. I guess I just lost control. It was nothing special.” Calypso laughed.
“Yeah, well…why can’t I be like that? I’m just…” Calypso finally finished drying herself off and she stood up on her own two legs again. She leaned down and held her hand out to Abraham.
“Enough…let’s just go, please?” Abraham reached up and took her hand. She pulled him to his feet and he stood up. His legs suddenly felt so weak that his knees buckled. It was as if the gunshot had taken all the energy out of him.

“Hold on!” Calypso cried, holding his arms so that Abraham didn’t fall.
“I’m okay, I’m fine.” Abraham insisted, trying to regain his balance.
“No, you’re not. You’re still rattled.” Calypso answered. There was force in her voice, which sounded so odd to Abraham. Normally she stumbled over her words and stuttered out of nerves, but now she was stern and concerned. “You need to move slowly.” She kept her hand on his shoulder and walked beside him slowly toward the street.
“Where are we going?”
“We’re headed back home. You need to see Asher.” Abraham suddenly felt a cold sweat come over him.
“Asher?! Why him?” He asked.
“The wound may be infected. He can clean it.” She said in frustration.
“Why not just put alcohol or something on it?” Abraham asked in fright. The thought of Asher having to help him scared him considerably.
“We never buy the stuff…because it’d be a waste of money. Asher’s saliva is a natural catalyst and blood cleaning agent. If anyone ever gets an infected cut or scrape, we take it to him, now let’s go please. I’m sure that the police will be here soon.” Abraham tried to argue, but the force in Calypso’s voice was so shocking that he found himself tailing her despite his wishes. He shot a glance back at the unconscious and beaten Gregory.
“What about him?” Abraham asked.
“The authorities can take care of him, now come on!” She pulled harder on his arm until at last, Abraham tore his eyes away and obediently followed her to the street.

The walk home was long and quiet. Calypso didn’t say a word, and whenever Abraham tried to speak, she would shush him, saying that he needed to keep quiet until they got home. The street eventually gave way to trees and soon they found themselves walking through the forest again. The sky was growing dark and the moon was starting to rise, glowing in the distance beautifully. It was a cresent moon…and the sight of it reminded him of only a few weeks ago when it had been full…and Michelle had gone on her rampage. The power he had seen that night from Michelle and Asher had been so devastating. What good was he? What could he offer the club when they had such power there already?
“I’m sorry, Calypso.” Abraham whispered.
“What for?” Calypso asked. The sound of frogs and crickets announced that they were close to the lake.
“For making you go through this.”
“Abraham, you were trying to protect us.” Calypso said with a smile.
“Yeah, my mistake was thinking I was strong enough to do that. I’m weak…I’m not like Asher or Michelle.” Abraham grimaced. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side and had to stop. Calypso gasped and lifted his jacket to look at the wound.
“Oh no, it’s deeper than I thought. Come on…we’ll go to the docks. I’ll clean it off some.” She walked Abraham down to a nearby dock and helped him down to sit by the wooden plank near the water. She lifted his jacket and began to clean off the area where he had been hurt. “It’s probably infected…we need Asher right away…but I don’t want to move you as you are.” Abraham just looked off at the lake, clutching his side, feeling a little bit of blood trickle down.
“Yeah…I screwed up big time, huh?” He asked.

“You stop that!” Calypso snapped. Abraham looked up at her to see that her eyes were fixed on his now and she looked rather pissed. “You’re not weak! No, you’re not like Asher or Michelle, but you’re no weakling! You tried to fight for the Club, and that makes you strong!” Abraham sighed and tried to sit up.
“And getting shot like this? Getting my butt kicked when I had the advantage?” Calypso shrugged.
“Well, we all have our weak moments…even Asher. Why, you should have seen him when I first met him.” Abraham looked up in shock and stared at Calypso.
“Asher was weak?”
“Yeah, I had to save him that night actually…the night we met.” Calypso stared off at the lake and smiled sheepishly. “I’ll never forget it.” Abraham couldn’t help but feel slightly interested.
“What happened?” He asked. Calypso blushed and looked at Abraham.
“Well…it was about a year ago…maybe a little longer…and I was out here by the lake. I was just out here by myself. When Asher showed up he-”

“C’mon Calypso, the kid’s suffering enough already without having to know that story.” Abraham and Calypso both whirled around to see a dark figure standing by the dock. Asher stood grinning, the moonlight flashing against his fangs.
“Eep!” Calypso let out a frightened squeak and blushed terrifically. Without a moments thought, she dove into the water, where her feet instantly turned back into a long and beautiful mermaids tail. She splashed into the water and dove out of sight, her embarrassed expression still fresh on Abrahams mind. Asher let out a small laugh.
“Hahaha! I didn’t mean to scare her. I’ll apologize later.” Abraham suddenly realized that he was alone with Asher on the docks…the very last person he wanted to be near. “Michelle told me that you got hurt by a hunters’ bullet. I came to see the damage.” He knelt down by Abraham who quickly tensed up and tried to move away. Asher caught this movement and then sighed sadly.

“I see.” He muttered. “Well, I can’t really say I blame you…I’d be scared too.” Abraham flushed and looked down.
“I’m sorry, I just…”
“No, I understand.” Asher then turned to look at Abraham. “With that said…I do need to see that wound.” Abraham hesitated for a moment and then finally lifted up his jacket to show the cut. Asher’s eyes flashed red for a moment at the sight of the blood, but he shook it off. “It’s a minor injury…but it might be infected. Better safe than sorry. Hold still please.” Asher raised two fingers to his mouth and proceeded to lick them carefully. He then held his hand down and ran his fingers along the cut. Abraham felt a sudden burst of ecstasy shoot through him from the cut. His body felt limp and he felt so weak.
“Ah!” Abraham moaned.
“Sorry, vampire spit has that effect on humans.” He explained. “It’ll pass.” He finished running his hand along the cut and sat down on the dock next to him. “I’d stay still while the spit does its work.” Abraham nodded weakly and just stared out at the lake with Asher.

“Asher?” Abraham asked.
“What…what was that story that Calypso was going to tell me?” Asher let out a small laugh.
“Oh, she was going to tell you about the night I met her…and the day that I joined the Club.” Asher explained.
“Well, I’d still like to know it.” Abraham pressed. Asher turned and looked at him with a smirk.
“You really wanna know the story?” Asher asked. Abraham gave a small nod and Asher shrugged. “Alright…I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” He suddenly paused and looked at Abraham calmly with a sad look on his face. “Abraham, the thing you need to understand is that, before I joined the Club…I was a real monster. I fed to survive, and I quite often…had trouble controlling that hunger.” Abraham gulped a little but didn’t say anything. “The night I joined the Club….It was a little over a year ago…on a night very much like this…”
And here is chapter 14 of Monster Club! I want to start by thanking Mika so much for finishing this picture and then helping me write this chapter. To be honest, I was very lost in how I would write this and I kept getting off track and I was unable to get my ideas together...kind of embarrassing. Luckily though, Mika managed to help me out and get me the inspiration and ideas to get this chapter back together again. So this is the result. I really think you guys will like it.
I hope that you guys weren't left in too much suspense with that opening image. To be fair though, it seemed very straightforward and the story and image do match very well. I really hope you guys enjoy it all to the fullest!

Please Enjoy!

© 2013 - 2024 The-Knight-Writer
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Abraham is beating himself up too much.  I he hadn't got the jump on Gregory Michelle wouldn't have been able to get him without Calypso getting hurt.